First, we’re publishing a series of three books which makes up the foundation of the information we intend to convey. Besides carrying the message, the book forms a unique perspective that changes the very core of how we see the world and what we need to achieve a perfect experience.

Based on our epic fantasy adventure trilogy entitled L, the Illuminator we will make a series of three movies and games, but they will be nothing like nowadays’ conventional movies and video games. The project endows particular carriers such as books, film, or video games, with depth so that their comprehensibility and efficiency dramatically increases. All of this is done by embedding these transmitters in a complex viewpoint and transforms them entirely. We named this system the Experience-based Multisensory Effect that takes entertainment to a whole new level by making the experience physically interactive. By applying this technology, this three-episode movie adaptation becomes Your story, and the video game Your life, where you can solve real problems and live through real situations that occur in your life. The experience will largely influence your everyday life from then on.

We would like these new types of messages and style to encourage the film and video game industry to recover of its hard times, and also not to use the same and ordinary schemes, but give something new, something that reforms the whole industry.

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